Primary Partner Electives
Carefully designed, structured, and supervised experiences

DGSOM has longstanding partnerships with institutions around the world, in which exchanges and sustainable programs occur at multiple levels (medical student, resident, fellow, faculty) and in multiple areas (research, education, clinical service). The Global Health Program (GHP) currently offers thirteen different clinical electives for medical students at the primary partner sites listed below. Thanks to our close relationships with our partners, these electives are carefully designed, structured, and supervised experiences that each have specific goals and objectives, and a clearly defined focus. We rigorously review each site annually and regularly re-evaluate the student experience.
Primary Partner Electives are three-week courses that may be found in the course directory in MyCourses. The exact dates of each elective vary annually, but typically begin in March (after Match Day) or early April, and end at least one month prior to graduation. GHP enrolls students in the elective (i.e. uploads the course into each student’s schedule in MyCourses) after students have been paired with a particular clinical site through the application and interview process.
Funding is provided to help cover most, but not all expenses, including pre-travel health care expenses, roundtrip airfare, and in-country accommodations and food during the elective.
All students participating in a Primary Partner Elective must attend a pre-departure orientation session held in January/February, as well as two debrief sessions upon return home (one site-specific debrief and one larger debrief with all students).
All students participating in a Primary Partner Elective have access to our 24/7 emergency phone line.
Applications are updated and distributed by email to the DGSOM MS4 listserv in early August for electives taking place the following spring (late March–early May). Applications are typically due in September, with placements determined by the middle to end of October. Participation in this rotation will likely include a short 10-minute interview with Dean Miller once applications have been reviewed. Please note that the dates for these in-country electives are fixed by the program and cannot be altered. Please ensure your availability before applying.
Along with a completed application, students need to submit a curriculum vitae, a signed code of conduct and risk reduction agreement, a personal statement, a recommendation form from your Assistant Dean of Student Affairs (or Dr. Calmes for Drew students), and the application checklist.
Application materials are linked below and will be submitted no later than Monday, September 2, 2024 11:59 PM via Qualtrics.* The application link is updated in August of each year—please ensure you complete the most up-to-date version of the application.
- Application Form
- Code of Conduct and Risk Reduction Agreement
- Dean's Recommendation Form
- On Qualtrics and in the provided link above, you will find a link to send to your society Dean to request a recommendation. Your Dean will be provided with the required password.
- Application Checklist (found on Qualtrics)
*Prior to beginning your application on Qualtrics, please review the Application Package PDF for prompts, essay questions, and required information.
Our current elective rotations offerings include:
Participation requirements
Once accepted, students will be asked to complete the following additional participation requirements:
- Sign up for UC Traveler Security and Health Coverage Benefits - The University of California has arranged for students and employees traveling on official University business to be covered for a variety of accidents and incidents while away from campus or the primary workplace. Please visit the UC Travel Insurance page for details. If your air travel is purchased through UCLA travel, you will automatically be signed up for coverage and will receive a confirmation email at your UCLA email address.
- Register for the US State Department STEP Program - The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service provided by the U.S. Government to U.S. citizens who are traveling to, or living in, a foreign country. Please visit the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) page for more information and instructions on how to register.
- Make an appointment at a Travel Clinic - For additional information on travel health and UCLA Travel Clinic resources, please visit the Travel Health & Safety page.
For more information, please review our Frequently Asked Questions, or contact Dr. Traci Wells at