The Global Health Equity Concentration is a non-competitive program that allows students to obtain in-depth knowledge in global health equity without committing to Foundations for Discovery or the Discovery Year experience based at a partner organization. Students interested in a dual MD/MPH degree may consider this option. Those who meet Concentration criteria will have details of the Concentration achievements noted in their MSPE (Dean’s Letter).

Students are invited to join the Concentration in the fall of their first year of medical school in order to maximize the benefit of this longitudinal program.


  • Complete the Global Health Selective course, which addresses core competencies of global health. Students attend lectures, panel events, and small group discussions with both faculty-led and peer-learning components. (Other global health courses outside DGSOM may be used to satisfy this requirement upon prior approval.)
  • Complete a project focused on a global health or health equity. The project may be research, advocacy, and/or have a public health focus, among other options. No travel is required, and the duration of the project is decided by the project mentor and student, but the experience should be substantive and allow for the student to gain in-depth knowledge of a global health topic. Students will be required to submit a final output (examples include manuscript, advocacy/public health report, or a report developed specifically for the Concentration).
  • Participate in at least one additional activity listed below.

Additional Activities

Participation in the following:

  • Los Angeles Global Health Conference
  • UCLA Global Health Case Competition

Active engagement in global health leadership at DGSOM, including the following:

  • Planning committee for the Los Angeles Global Health Conference
  • Planning committee for the UCLA Global Health Case Competition
  • Advising the curriculum committee or leading small group discussion for the Global Health Selective course

Participation in a Global Health Clinical Elective in the spring of the MS4 year.

Note: All DGSOM students are invited to participate in the additional activities and numerous Global Health Program opportunities and special events without being part of the Pathway or Concentration. This provides flexibility for students who want to explore global health without making a commitment to a long-term project and coursework.